Privacy Policy


AREA75 S.r.l., Via Lago di Lesina 20 A, (00199) Roma, in persona del legale rappresentante pro tempore, holder of the treatment (also referred to as "Data"), così come previsto dall’art. 13 of the General Regulation on Data Protection ( "RGPD"), It provides the users who visit the website (hereinafter also referred to as the "website") information relating to the processing of their data.


Dati di navigazione

I sistemi informatici e le procedure software preposte al funzionamento di questo sito web acquisiscono, nel corso del loro normale esercizio, alcuni dati personali la cui trasmissione è implicita nell’uso dei protocolli di comunicazione di Internet.

Si tratta di informazioni che non sono raccolte per essere associate a interessati identificati, ma che per loro stessa natura potrebbero, attraverso elaborazioni ed associazioni con dati detenuti da terzi, permettere di identificare gli utenti.

In questa categoria di dati rientrano gli indirizzi IP o i nomi a dominio dei computer utilizzati dagli utenti che si connettono al sito, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of requested resources, l’orario della richiesta, il metodo utilizzato nel sottoporre la richiesta al server, la dimensione del file ottenuto in risposta, the numerical code indicating the status of the server response (successful, errore, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment.

Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sull’uso del sito web e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e potrebbero essere utilizzati per l’accertamento di responsabilità in caso di eventuali reati informatici ai danni del sito web.

The legal basis for the processing of such data is the legitimate interest of the data controller and, in the case of requests from the Authorities, the legal obligation

Cookies e strumenti analoghi

Nessun dato personale degli utenti viene acquisito dal sito attraverso cookie o strumenti analoghi.

The use of c.d. Session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe exploration and efficient site.

Dati forniti direttamente dall’utente

The personal data given by the user on a voluntary basis (as well, ad esempio, when you request information or clarification by calling the numbers listed on the website or by writing to email addresses found there) are used only in order to give effect to any requests and to comply with legal obligations and / or pre-contractual obligations and / or contractual obligations arising from the legal relationship in the case constituted.

The legal basis of the processing of such data is therefore the obligation of the law being put on the owner and the performance of obligations under the contract or for the purposes of its conclusion.


The data can be known by employees and authorized staff to treatment. I dati raccolti non saranno diffusi, venduti o scambiati con soggetti terzi senza il consenso espresso dell’interessato, except in cases where the communication to third parties (competent authorities, consultants or companies providing supply services and IT support) is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to proceed with their obligations under existing relationship with the interested party or third parties (falling within a specified category) operate as data processors.

The interested party may request the Holder the list of entities that carry out their activities as data processors.


I dati raccolti sono trattati con strumenti informatici e solo in via residuale con modalità cartacee. Idonee misure di sicurezza sono osservate per prevenire la perdita dei dati, usi illeciti o non corretti ed accessi non autorizzati. The data will be handled only by authorized individuals and stored for the time necessary to act upon the requests of and in compliance with the terms of the law.

Luogo del trattamento

For the processing of data in connection to the web site services the Holder uses servers located within Europe and computer systems located at the headquarters of the owner. There are expected to be transferred abroad.


Fatta eccezione per i dati di navigazione necessari per dar corso ai protocolli informatici e telematici, il conferimento dei dati da parte degli utenti tramite le varie modalità rese disponibili è libero e facoltativo. Tuttavia il mancato conferimento dei dati stessi comporterà l’impossibilità di poter dar riscontro alle richieste formulate ed usufruire dei servizi di interesse.


The law recognizes the right to require the data controller to access personal data and correct or cancel them or treatment limitations relating to him or to object to their treatment, as well as the right to data portability.

Continue if you want to find out more about rights.

  • The right of access, namely the right to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not the current processing of personal data concerning him, in which case, to gain access to personal data and to the following information: a) the purposes of the processing; b) the categories of personal data in question; c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, especially if recipients in third countries or international organizations; d) whenever possible, the period of retention of personal data provided or, if it's not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; e) the existence of the subject's right to request the data controller correct or delete personal data or restriction of the personal data concerning him or to object to their treatment; f) the right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority; g) if the data are not collected from the person concerned, all available information about their sources; h) the existence of an automated decision-making, including profiling and, at least in such cases, meaningful information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the predicted consequences of such treatment for the person concerned. Where personal data are transferred to a third country or an international organization, the person concerned has also the right to be informed of the existence of adequate safeguards for the transfer.
  • The right of reply, namely the right to obtain from the data controller the rectification of inaccurate personal data relating to him without undue delay. Given the purpose of the processing, the person has the right to obtain the integration of incomplete personal data, Also providing a supplementary statement.
  • The Cancellation right, ossia il diritto di ottenere dal titolare del trattamento la cancellazione dei dati personali che lo riguardano senza ingiustificato ritardo se: a) i dati personali non sono più necessari rispetto alle finalità per le quali sono stati raccolti o altrimenti trattati; b) l’interessato revoca il consenso su cui si basa il trattamento e se non sussiste altro fondamento giuridico per il trattamento; c) l’interessato si oppone al trattamento effettuato perchè necessario per l’esecuzione di un compito di interesse pubblico o connesso all’esercizio di pubblici poteri di cui è investito il titolare o per il perseguimento del legittimo interesse e non sussiste alcun motivo legittimo prevalente per procedere al trattamento, oppure si oppone al trattamento per finalità di marketing diretto; d) i dati personali sono stati trattati illecitamente; e) i dati personali devono essere cancellati per adempiere un obbligo legale previsto dal diritto dell’Unione o dello Stato membro cui è soggetto il titolare del trattamento; f) i dati personali sono stati raccolti relativamente all’offerta di servizi della società dell’informazione a minori. The cancellation request, however, can not be accepted if the treatment is necessary: ​​a) for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; b) for the performance of a legal obligation requiring the treatment provided by Union law or Member State which apply to the data controller or to the execution of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority of which is invested with the holder of the treatment; c) on grounds of public interest in the field of public health; d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, historical or scientific research or statistical purposes, to the extent that the cancellation risk of making it impossible or severely prejudice the achievement of the objectives of such treatment; or e) for ascertaining, exercise or defense of a legal claim.
  • The law of limitation, ie the right to know that the data is processed, except for storage, only with the consent or for the assessment, exercise or defense of a legal claim, or to protect the rights of another person or entity, or for reasons of overriding public interest of the Union or a Member State if: a) he contests the ' accuracy of the data, for the period necessary to the data controller to verify the accuracy of such data; b) the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes deletion of personal data and would instead suggest that the use is limited; c) although the data controller no longer needs them for purposes of processing, personal data are necessary to determine the person, exercise or defense of a legal claim; d) the person concerned is opposite to the processing carried out because necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or in the exercise of public powers of which it is invested or the holder for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the holder of the treatment or third, pending verification regarding the possible prevalence of legitimate reasons for the proprietor of the treatment compared to those of the person concerned.
  • The right to portability, ie the right to receive in a structured format, of common automatic device and readable use the personal data concerning him and provided the holder has the right to transmit such data to another holder unhindered by the holder which has provided them, and the right to obtain the direct transmission of personal data from one holder to another, if technically feasible, if the treatment is based on consensus or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means. This right shall not affect the rights of cancellation.
  • the right to object, ie the right to object at any time, for reasons related to its particular situation, the processing of personal data concerning him made because necessary for the performance of a task of public interest or in the exercise of official authority with which it is the owner or for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the person has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him made for such purposes, including profiling insofar as it is connected to this direct marketing.

Interested parties may enforce its rights at any time, senza formalità, rivolgendosi al titolare del trattamento, attraverso l’indirizzo email

It then informs the person concerned that the law recognizes the possibility of asserting his rights by recourse to Guarantor statements or before the courts.